Color choice

Many people select white paint for their walls and it often happens because they don’t know how to choose or they don't have time to think about it or they believe that keeping clean colored walls is too exacting to them...

So white wall stays... white. Washed. Whitewashed.

Make your color choice!
If you are not certain what the color that would suit the space is, try to figure out what will you do in that space and combine it with some taste.

Find your room's flavour and you will feel better what the right color choice is.
If you love her, your home can give you much more then a whitewashed smile!

Be sure of what you have chosen.
You may place some textile or decorative object that you like somewhere in the room and observe them for a while. It will help you to better visualize your color scheme.

Keep in mind that that process is connected to many different conditions, besides your personal taste, such as illumination, place, architecture, furniture, functionality. Also, different rooms need different decorative approaches but contemporarily must be considered as parts of the same entity.
