Family Tree

I’m doing some genealogy researches; every few years I renew them trying to find some records that I still miss. Everyone who has ever tried to find the ancestors knows that it isn’t easy even if you already have some docs, names or dates. Eastern European countries have had such a complicated history; you first must learn the geographical terms changes - before you even start your researches. My family tree has many faces that I know well because my father has conserved every single document or photo he possessed. But there are a lot of my ancestors that I will probably never find about.
Sometimes I just sit down and paint their invisible faces as they appear in my imagination, like these.
If I ever get in possess of their real photos, I’ll put them in their place. If not, at least my family tree will look better :) 


  1. Ne verujem da su bili tako strašni ;)

  2. Ciao!
    Ko zna, mozda neki i jesu? Ljude je uvek tesko proceniti, pogotovo ako su ziveli nekih 200 godina (a i vise) pre nas. Ponekad ostane najveca tajna upravo neko ko je uvek bio tu negde oko nas...
    Covek na fotografiji je moj pra-pradeda koji je rodjen 1860. na ocevom brodu na Crnom moru. Kojim je tajanstvenim putevima njegov otac, rodjen 1833., tamo doplovio iz svog rodnog sela Zrnova na Korculi - ne mogu ni da zamislim. Vremena su sigurno bila teska i tih istih godina ljudi su krenuli za Ameriku iz cele Evrope. Eto sta mi se motalo po glavi dok sam crtala: strogost, odlucnost, disciplina, snaga... Zivot je takav - cupav i dlakav!


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